Upaya House is interested in hearing from authors with completed manuscripts who are eager to share their voice with readers worldwide via printed and digital media. All literary genres in both fiction and nonfiction will be considered. The only criteria is quality.

Email a brief synopsis of your book for consideration, and be sure to include any pertinent information that might offer some hint of your greatness (previously published books/articles, glowing reviews, impressive references, pending or completed media deals, notes from your mom, etc.).

As a general guideline, completed manuscripts should be 60,000 words or more. While we receive a fair amount of published material via bonded agencies, we feel special reverence for any author willing to brave the wilds of publishing without the aid of a licensed representative. So don’t hesitate to contact us even if you’re still in the process of finding someone whose dogged efforts merit 10 percent of your livelihood. As long as you have a great story to share, we want to hear from you.